Wallace Stone
Wallace Stone is committed to providing, in house, the full range of relevant professional services (listed below) for all projects on which we are engaged. Wherever specialised individual services are required, we are pleased to provide any one or more of these activities to augment projects managed by others.
The range of services we routinely provide for new-build projects includes:
- Feasibility study and appraisal of options
- Site survey
- Underwater inspection and sea-bed assessment
- Bathymetric surveying
- Assessment of wave climate
- Conceptual design
- Hydraulic design
- Analysis of risk
- Detailed design
- Detailed estimation of cost
- Obtaining consents
- Contract documents
- Health & Safety Planning Supervision
- Underwater setting out
- Project management
- Site supervision
- Bar sweeping to prove dredge depth
- Annual maintenance inspection
- Alternative design for contractor’s tender
And for existing structures may include in addition to the above:
- Assessment of chloride attack in concrete structures
- Assessment of corrosion (include bacterial corrosion) on steel piles
- Assessment of residual life of deteriorated structures
- Design and procurement of cathodic protection systems
- Design and procurement of concrete repairs